- Paperback: 789 pages
- Publisher: Jones & Bartlett Publishers; Pap/Cdr edition (April 2003)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 0763704903
- ISBN-13: 978-0763704902
Programming and Problem Solving with Java™ is an excellent resource for discovering Java as a first programming language. After introducing the very basics of programming, the text provides detail on Java syntax, semantics, classes and objects, and then continues with coverage of arithmetic expressions, selection and encapsulation, file objects and looping statements, and object oriented software design and implementation. With an unparalleled clarity of expression, the authors then introduce inheritance, polymorphism, and scope, as well as event-driven input and output, arrays, and recursion. Through the case studies, exercises, and programming examples, readers develop a secure foundation for future study, and a true understanding of what an object is, how it works, and what constitutes a well-designed class interface.
When purchased new, the book includes the Student Resource Disk for Java, a CD-ROM that features the following:
Borland® JBuilder™ 7 Personal
The Sun Java™ 2 SDK Standard Edition v. 1.4.1
The Sun Java™ SDK Standard Edition Documentation
Book-specific program files
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