On the Psychobiology of Personality: Essays in Honor of Marvin Zuckerman
Pergamon (2004-12-30) | ISBN: 0080442099 | 552 Pages | 9.3 MB | PDF
Zuckerman received his Ph.D. in psychology from New York University, Graduate School of Arts and Science in 1954 with a specialization in clinical psychology. After graduation, he worked for three years as a clinical psychologist in state hospitals in Norwich, Connecticut and Indianapolis, Indiana. While in the latter position the Institute for Psychiatric Research was opened in the same medical center where he was working as a clinical psychologist. He obtained a position there with a joint appointment in the department of . This was his first interdisciplinary experience with other researchers in psychiatry, biochemistry, psychopharmacology, and psychology.
His first research areas were personality assessment and the relation between parental attitudes and psychopathology. During this time, he developed the first real trait-state test for affects, starting with the Affect Adjective Check List for anxiety and then broadening it to a three-factor trait-state test including anxiety, depression, and hostility (Multiple Affect Adjective Check List). Later, positive affect scales were added.
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