Develop your own Multi-User Dungeon games! Multi-User Dungeon games are still going strong. It?s no wonder?they?re easy to create and easy to access. They also have an additional appeal for game programmers?they serve as the foundation for today?s Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games. In order to create an MMORPG, you need to know MUD programming. Get ready to build your foundation! If you have a basic knowledge of C++, "MUD Game Programming" gives you everything you need to know to begin programming your own MUD games. The fundamentals of network basics are put to the test as you work your way through a simple MUD program. Put your new skills to work as you wrap things up with a more advanced, robust MUD. Pull out all the stops and test your creativity with the flexible aspects of your new MUD engine.
Download: http://www.itstudy8.org/download.asp?id=4562
Download: http://www.itstudy8.org/download.asp?id=4563
Download: http://www.itstudy8.org/download.asp?id=4564