Editors: Michael A. Arbib, Jeffrey S. Grethe, «Computing the Brain A Guide to Neuroinformatics»
Elsevier | ISBN: 9780120597819 | 2001 | PDF | 38 mb
Computing the Brain provides readers with an integrated view of current informatics research related to the field of neuroscience. This book clearly defines the new work being done in neuroinformatics and offers information on resources available on the Web to researchers using this new technology. It contains chapters that should appeal to a multidisciplinary audience with introductory chapters for the nonexpert reader. Neuroscientists will find this book an excellent introduction to informatics technologies and the use of these technologies in their research. Computer scientists will be interested in exploring how these technologies might benefit the neuroscience community.
Audience: Neuroscientists, bioinformatisticians, information managers and academia and industry research directors
Part 1
Part 2
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